Rabbit Runn Designs

Interior Design
Interior Design
Rabbit Runn Interior Design
Design portfolio
Design Services
Design Services
Contact Nancye

Conroy Home
In-Home Design Consultation
We come to you! We will meet with you in your home at a time that is convenient for you, providing samples of wall finishes, fabrics, design mock-ups, etc.
Custom Window Treatments
Framing your window to the world enhances your living space dramatically. We will decide on your natural light needs, privacy and style preferences when designing window treatments that are individually designed. We will measure, design, and manage the fabrication and installation of your custom items.
Custom Upholstery & Re-upholstery
Finding and choosing fabrics and furniture that complement your style can be overwhelming. We can assist you in that task, producing items that you’ll love for years to come. We consider not only the space that the piece will inhabit but also scale, shape, style, usage and quality.
Kitchen/Bath Design
From refinishing existing cabinetry to completely constructing new space, we are experienced in helping you create a kitchen or bath that transforms these focal areas into luxurious and highly functioning oases.
Custom Wall Finishes: Wallpapering, Faux Finishes, Murals
The walls in any room play an important role in creating its’ ambience. We work with you to find colors and textures that best meet your needs. Whether utilizing paint, wallpaper, textured finishes or customized murals, we are able to produce walls that reflect your personality.
Custom Floor Finishes
Choosing a floor finish that anchors the entire room is imperative for a smooth, flowing overall design. We can assist you in choosing tile, carpet, wood, area rugs, paint treatments and other finishes to meet your specific desires.
Custom Carpentry, Remodeling & Custom Built-in Designs
Electrical Consulting
703.615.4058 dot EMAIL: info@rabbitrunndesigns.com